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Tesmec and Planetel for the digitalisation of the territory

On November 9th Tesmec and Planetel presented in Gandino, in the province of Bergamo, a pilot project on the subject of connectivity and digitalization leading towards a smart city model, with the installation works of an ultra-broadband network fiber optic with performance up to 10 Gbps between the Planetel fiber optic network node in Leffe and the surrounding industrial area.

The intervention area, located between the municipalities of Leffe, Gandino and Peia, was identified with the patronage of Confindustria Bergamo.

The works will be carried out by Tesmec and Planetel with the use of innovative technologies, capable of minimizing the environmental impact and maximizing the quality, speed and cost-effectiveness of the interventions, which will be at no cost for the three municipalities, as fully funded by the two companies for their respective areas of expertise.

Thanks to Tesmec solutions, construction site activities will be extremely rapid and will not require the total closure of the road during the works, but only a part of the carriageway. The excavation will be carried out in the minimum dimensions indispensable for laying the network - a few centimeters wide - allowing a quick and non-invasive restoration of circulation and avoiding a complete resurfacing of the road, with minimal environmental impact, no disturbance to residents, sustainability and efficiency.

The innovativeness of the intervention also provided for the preventive mapping of the existing subservices through the acquisition of Georadar Tesmec data, the celerimetric survey and the data processing and 3D Output, in order to obtain a clear vision of the existing infrastructures, to better plan where to carry out excavations and avoid damage, breakdowns and service interruptions. This activity also equips the three municipalities with cutting-edge tools in terms of floor plans, mapping and digital databases for future intervention planning, simplifying and modernizing internal management processes.

The objective, for Tesmec and Planetel, is to propose a collaboration and a working methodology that can be easily replicated on the territory, broadening the horizon towards all administrations that want to equip themselves with cutting-edge tools, able to improve the quality of the infrastructures and at the same time increase the competitiveness of local companies.

The President and CEO of Tesmec, Ambrogio Caccia Dominioni commented: "We are proud to be able to put the innovativeness of Tesmec's technological solutions at the service of the territory, which allow us to operate with a view to maximum efficiency and environmental sustainability. Having identified a high-level partner like Planetel pursues the goal of offering a complete value chain and will help speed up the adoption by individual administrations and companies of digital tools that are now indispensable in the current context ".

"We are very pleased to start this important collaboration with Tesmec - said Bruno Pianetti, President and CEO of Planetel S.p.A. This partnership is in continuity with our attention to the needs of the Territory and to the synergies with companies and public bodies, bringing value and infrastructures aimed at the creation of digital access networks in FTTH optical fiber. We are pleased, with this partnership, to be able to further enhance and optimize our infrastructural investments ".