Customized Working Methodology – SNCF Network, France

The TEMFerro consortium of TSO, Mobility, ETF and Setec Ferroviaire has developed a fleet of high-performance on-track machines for the replacement of overhead line equipment on Paris RER Line C between Paris and Brétigny sur Orge, for replacing the 1·5 kV DC OLE whit replacement of all existing masts, cantilevers and wiring for a total of 180 km of track. The route will be re-electrified using the CSRR (Catenaire Simple Renforcée Regularisée) design suitable for a maximum speed of 160 km/h, which SNCF Réseau intends to adopt as standard for all future 1·5 kV DC renewals. Tesmec has defined the working methodology and design the nine vehicles to undertake the wire replacement. The fleet will be able to rewire 1,4 km in a single overnight shift. Tesmec have designed two vehicles with wiring recovery reels to remove the old overhead lines, one with a stringing system to run out the new catenary and contact wires; two with wire supports and working platforms for attaching the cables to the new cantilevers; one vehicle equipped with a stringing system for installation work including junctions, one for the cable fixing process and two with scissor lift platforms for dropper installation. RC2 plans to deploy a separate fleet of machines to install around 600 new masts ahead of the rewiring campaign and then remove the old infrastructure.
Special Technological vehicles: 9 vehicles (n.6 different models)
The vehicles have been designed for correct and accurate operations of catenary replacement in a complete security environment.
- N°2 vehicles with recovery reels
- N°2 vehicles equipped with a stringing system and devices for the installation of new contact wires
- N°2 vehicles for wires support and working platforms for cantilevers mounting operations
- N°1 vehicle for cable fixing
- N°2 vehicles for droppers’ installation