Tesmec is a historical brand of national interest

• The registration in the special register represents a prestigious recognition of the Group as an Italian excellence, thanks to its 70 years of history marked by technological innovation and continuous transformation;
• The register of historical trademarks is an institutional tool created by the Italian Ministry of Economic Development to protect the industrial property of Italian companies historically linked to the territory and which have used their own trademark for at least 50 years.
Grassobbio (Bergamo - Italy), 29 June 2022 – Tesmec, at the head of a group leader in the market of technologies for infrastructures (overhead, underground and railway networks) related to the transport of energy, data and materials (oil and derivatives, gas and water), and of technologies in surface mining, officially joins the special register of historical brands of national interest established by the Italian Ministry of Economic Development.
The logo of the Group can thus be accompanied by the symbol of the initiative, the image of Italy enclosed in the wording “Marchio Storico” ("Historical Trademark").
The prestigious award testifies to the continuity and dynamism of an Italian company rooted in a territory rich in excellence and skills, an international player that successfully faces the challenges posed by digitalization and the energy and ecological transition, backed by its 70 years of history characterized by sustainable growth, technological innovation, and continuous transformation.
The register of historical trademarks of national interest is an institutional tool created by the Italian Ministry of Economic Development with the aim of protecting the industrial property of Italian companies, owners or exclusive licensees of trademarks registered for at least fifty years or for which it is possible to demonstrate the continuous use for at least fifty years, and the excellences historically linked to the national territory. Operational since April 2020, the Historical Trademark aims to be a tool for enhancing know-how and Italian style, particularly useful for the brand image of companies that compete in the international economic and social context. The acquisition of the "Historical Trademark" is subject to specific registration in the special register established at UIBM - Ufficio Italiano Brevetti e Marchi, Italian Patent and Trademark Office.
The inclusion of Tesmec brand in the register therefore rewards the history of the Group, which began in 1951, but above all it recognizes the evolution of the company, today a leader in projects that combine innovation and sustainability, attentive to R&D activities and able to produce systems whose technological component is superior to the mechanical one.
The President and CEO Ambrogio Caccia Dominioni commented: “More than 70 years after our birth and in the year in which we are also celebrating the 60th anniversary of our French subsidiary Marais, joining the register of historical brands of national interest is for us a reason for pride and satisfaction. This recognition is for us a milestone that testifies how Tesmec is an Italian excellence that, with solid foundations, well rooted in the territory, has made its way around the world, becoming today an innovative Group, a real tech company that looks to the future with ever greater determination with the aim of grasping the changes taking place as an opportunity for growth."