Tesmec @ Cired 2023

Cired - 12-15 June 2023, La Nuvola Convention Center (Rome, Italy)
The electric distribution community will join Cired 2023: the main convention for the Energy sector this year is taking place in Italy. And Tesmec is proud to be part of the event! Tesmec participates in Cired 2023 to continue the dialogue with the main players of the energy sector about efficiency, resilience and sustainability of power grids.
Our team can deal with these issues thanks to cross competences: we are at the forefront when it comes to protection, control, monitoring and automation, with the most innovative and efficient integrated solutions on the market.
Many topics to discuss and expert at your disposal: come and see our team, you can reach us at stand B39.
Let’s keep in touch and contact us to discover more.