
TESMEC RAIL s.r.l. Project YGF10I5

Sustainable technologies for the traction management of innovative products in the railway field

The Research & Development project “YGF10I5 - Sustainable technologies for the traction management of innovative products in the railway field” is part of the strategic choice of the Tesmec Group to design innovative railcars for maintenance and diagnostics of the catenary which guarantee a significant reduction in environmental impact while respecting the highest safety standards.

The investment in Research and Development has led to the conception of a new vehicle with hydraulic and electric traction, equipped with cutting-edge diagnostic systems, and a new typology of full electric traction vehicle.

The project also involved an investment in tangible assets classified in the "construction of new production units" category, with the construction of a new plant consisting of an office building, common spaces and a production site for railway rolling stock.

Funding Program: PO FESR 2014/2020 ‐ Regolamento Regionale del 30 settembre 2014 - Titolo II ‐ Capo 1 ‐ Art. 17 “Aiuti ai programmi di investimento delle Grandi Imprese”