Carbon Footprint Certification

Tesmec Automation manages accurately environmental sustainability of the proposed solutions and production processes. The company is committed to reducing its emissions and to identifying opportunities to optimize product performance, while minimizing resource consumption. In this regard, Tesmec Automation measures the Carbon Footprint of its product range.
The Carbon Footprint is the amount of greenhouse gases (measured in equivalent tons of CO2) released into the atmosphere during the life cycle phases of any products: from raw materials needed for production to energy consumption while working. UNI EN ISO 14067:2018 (Greenhouse gases - Carbon footprint of products - Requirements and guidelines for quantification) comes as an improvement process of ISO 14001 Environmental Management System (ESG) and it is one of the cornerstones of the Green Path undertaken by Tesmec Group.
Currently 39 of our products belonging to the following categories have been certified:
- FPI (fault passage indicator) devices
- Protection relays for primary substation
- Multifunctional protection relays
- Protection and measurement relays
- Control relays for IMS devices
- IoT sensors devices
- Smart Termination
The certification process of the product range is still on-going, other items will be certified soon.