Tesmec at Innovamin 2024

Tesmec Group at Innovamin 2024 in Madrid!
We are thrilled to share the success of our participation in Innovamin 2024, which took place on February 06 at the Salón de Actos de la ETSI Minas de Madrid.
It was an extraordinary and rewarding experience for Tesmec, and we would like to sincerely thank everyone who made this event possible. Innovamin was a great opportunity to connect with a diverse audience, consisting mainly of mining companies and sponsors interested in the latest innovations in the industry. It was a privilege to be able to share our knowledge and advanced technologies with such an inspiring and dedicated audience.
Special thanks go to our commercial, Lidia Fontana and to our dedicated dealer SINDUCOR represented by Fabian Gutierrez de Salamanca for their engaging and informative talk. During their presentation, they enlightened the auditorium on Tesmec's revolutionary solutions in #mining and #bulkexcavation, focusing on our Rock Hawg technologies.
We look forward with enthusiasm to future opportunities to collaborate and share our innovations.